Our partners from CSCAN and UOP will participate on the 1st IEEE Services Workshop on Cyber Security and Resilience in the Internet of Things is a joint event to the IEE World Congress (IEEE Services 2019) that will be held in Milan, Italy on July 8-13, 2019. The purpose of this Workshop is to bring together students, researchers, security experts and IT experts from Industry on areas under consideration by Cyber-Trust. It mainly focuses on both the theoretical & practical aspects of the security, privacy, trust, and resilience of IoT networks, devices, applications and services and as well as dealing with their vulnerabilities and mitigating sophisticated cyber-attacks.
Link to the workshop:

The workshop is directly related with the work carried out in the work-packages WP5, WP6 and WP7. The accepted and presented workshop papers will be published in the workshop proceedings before the end of 2019 and will made available at the publisher’s website, (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/).