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Quantum Computing as a Threat to the Blockchain Technology

University of Peloponnese Two of the most significant arising technological advancements currently underway that are showing an ever‐increasing spread both in industrial and academic areas, are the blockchains and the advent of quantum technologies. Since, blockchains have  dramatically  advanced  in the recent years and have found numerous applications with the expectation to significantly enhance their security, the conundrum related to the quantum threat and the implementation of post-quantum signatures in a blockchain platform is a trending topic in nowadays scientific…

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The CYBERTRUST testbed, short implementation overview

OTE, February 2021 Testbeds were always important, as all new services and products always need to be tested thoroughly, especially the ones that operate in complex environments with many prospective users, although this is not always the case. Additionally, proper testing environment and procedure can help avoid later hardships. Nevertheless, this is the case with most of the research projects at EU, where the validity of a project’s outputs are checked and verified. As the pilots are progressing, we can…

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Cyber-Trust: Pilot Evaluation strategy and road ahead

To address the major challenges of securing the IoT ecosystem from cyber threats, the Cyber-Trust project has developed a revolutionary framework that will first identify, then analyse, and next mitigate these threats. To achieve this, the Cyber-Trust project conducts research in the following main cyber-security areas: develop state of the Art (SOTA) cyber security tools identify cyber-attack and mitigate their consequence use of distributed ledger technologies The Cyber-Trust project has developed an innovative platform based on end user specifications that…

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Cyber Security Challenges during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Gueltoum Bendiab, Stavros Shiaeles, Gohar Sargsyan The COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, was an unprecedented event that altered the lives of billions of people globally and greatly increased the risk of cyber-attacks. The pandemic pushed organisations to adopt remote working method and forced employees to work from their homes, which bring new security risks. Due to this new working model, personnel computing devices have been extensively utilised for work purposes. Video conferencing tools have become the primary environment…

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The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy and Other Updates

Olga GkotsopoulouLaw, Science, Technology and Society Research GroupVrije Universiteit Brussel The EU institutions and agencies have kept us too busy the past few weeks and days, as they have been publishing studies and guidelines in relation to the EU’s digital strategy and future plan. Many of those publications are (or will be) of relevance for the research and innovation taking place in Cyber-Trust and other security research projects, so please find below an overview. On 16 December, the European Commission…

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Procedural Aspects of an Impact Assessment for Innovative Cybersecurity Systems Research: The Cyber-Trust model

Olga Gkotsopoulou, Research Group on Law, Science, Technology and Society, Vrije Universiteit Brussel  The H2020 Cyber-Trust project (agreement No 786698) aims to foster a holistic and novel cyber-threat intelligence gathering, prevention, detection and mitigation platform, to secure the complex and ever-growing smart infrastructure, used by millions of people daily. The project consortium follows the latest technical innovations as well as best practice in the field, observing developments in the applicable legal and regulatory framework and investigating other ethical and societal…

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The Choice of Architecture Methodology in the Design of the CyberTrust System

CGI, October 2020 At the time when the project CyberTrust is progressing towards the implementation of the pilots, it’s timely to talk about the architecture methodology chosen by the consortium of the project CyberTrust which is the backbone of the technological platform has been built. Important interim validated outcome is that the CyberTrust architecture is robust and resilient. The conclusive outcomes will be reported when the pilots are completed. Architecture in the digital world is not just a good idea;…

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The ever-evolving IoT landscape: Blessing or Curse?

The ever-evolving IoT landscape: Blessing or Curse? Vasiliki-Georgia Bilali, Antonia Kardara, Dimitrios Kavallieros, George Kokkinis IoT landscape is ever-evolving, influenced mutually (or both) from technological and social needs. IoT applications are evolving as the technological services and products are updated and different industry tendencies and policies are applied. This perpetual evolution emerges from the need to automate, facilitate, and enhance daily routines and operational processes. The long-term goal is to provide technological innovation to users/experts and operational innovation in targeted…

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Blockchain solutions and chain-of-custody

Sotirios Brotsis, Nicholas Kolokotronis, 5 July 2020 The technological evolution, which is derived from the development of the Internet of things (IoT) is accompanied by new forms of cyber-attacks that exploit the heterogeneity of IoT ecosystems and the existence of vulnerabilities in IoT devices. Thus, the detection of attacked IoT devices, as well as, the accumulation and maintenance of forensic evidences emerge as areas of immense priority [1, 4]. Most of the IoT devices are highly resource-constrained, while their computational…

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Data visualisation for Zero-Day malware detection

Gueltoum Bendiab, Stavros Shiaeles, 29 Jun 2020. Malware is today one of the major threats faced by the digital world. In particular, the modern malware attacks have drawn special attention to the extensive damage that can be caused to private users, companies, public services, governments, and critical infrastructures, which provide vital functions that our societies depend upon. According to the AV-TEST institute, AV-TEST analysis systems recordover 350,000 new malicious programs every day, which amounts to more than 200 million pieces…

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786698. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Therefore, any communication activity related to the action reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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