Legal notice
- Use disclaimer
Overall goal of the Cyber-Trust website: The Cyber-Trust project sustains this website to allow public access to information about its consortium’s work and activities, under its contractual obligations to ensure the dissemination and communications of its research output. If errors are brought to its attention, the Cyber-Trust webmaster will take all possible steps to make any necessary corrections without delay.
Information published on the Cyber-Trust website: Despite the Cyber-Trust webmaster’ reasonable efforts, the information on the Cyber-Trust website may not be necessarily complete, accurate or up to date. The information published on this website is exclusively of a general informative nature and constitutes neither professional nor legal advice. The Cyber-Trust webmaster cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage which may result from uses of the website contrary to its stated objectives.
Information from external resources contained on the Cyber-Trust website: The Cyber-Trust webmaster cannot guarantee that information from external sources contained on this website is complete, reliable, accurate or up to date. Moreover, the Cyber-Trust webmaster has no control over links to external websites/pages contained on this website and cannot accept responsibility for them.
Technical disruptions: The Cyber-Trust webmaster makes every reasonable effort to minimise disruption caused by technical errors. It cannot be guaranteed that the service provided by the Cyber-Trust website will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. The Cyber-Trust webmaster accepts no responsibility in case of defective transmission of data due to the various networks of the internet or to incompatibilities due to the user’s web browser.
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The content of this website includes text data and multimedia items such as texts, drawings, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio and video material, photographs, programmes and the technology described, which are protected by the provisions of national and international law applying to intellectual property. These textual data and multimedia items are the exclusive property either of the Cyber-Trust and/or of their authors and beneficiaries.
As a general rule, the reuse (reproduction or use) of textual data and multimedia items which are the property of Cyber-Trust (identified by the words “© Cyber-Trust” or “© Cyber-Trust consortium”), is authorised for personal use or for further non-commercial or commercial dissemination, provided that the source is clearly acknowledged.
The reuse, however, of certain items may be subject to different conditions, which may require that you need to seek additional permissions of the respective right holders. In case of doubt as to the use of a particular item, please contact the webmaster via the website contact forms.
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Despite extensive research, it may be that the Cyber-Trust consortium is not in a position to identify certain authors or right holders of items appearing on the website. If you are such a right holder or if there is a mistake on the website, please kindly contact the webmaster via the website contact forms.
- Use of Cyber-Trust logos
The Cyber-Trust logo may not be used without the prior consent of the Cyber-Trust consortium.
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The Cyber-Trust website has a layered Data Protection and Cookies Policy, which is regularly reviewed and updated. You can find the latest version of the Data Protection and Cookies Policy here.