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Develop an innovative cyber-threat intelligence gathering, detection, and mitigation

innovative cyber-threat platform

Our Test Cases
CyberTrust will be carrying our two main pilots

OTE is the largest telecommunications company in the Greek market, providing broadband and fixed line telephony services to Greek and international companies, consumers and public sector bodies. The OTE Group – comprising OTE S.A. and its subsidiaries – also offers mobile telephony services, Internet access, digital communications, leased line services and high-speed data communication.

OTE has the role of the end-user, who will integrate the resulting security platform on premise.

Communications Provider

Primary Pilot

The Hellenic Cyber-Crime Division with its HQs established in Athens, since 2004, when the unit was upgraded to a full department of the Hellenic Police, it has resolved over 6,000 cases of fraud, extortion and child abuse, while several resolved cases were only partially committed in Greece.

KEMEA and the Hellenic Cyber-Crime Division, using the data produced by the first pilot, will test the platform regarding its capabilities w.r.t. (e) forensic evidence collection.

Hellenic Police

Secondary Pilot
What are the platform aspects...
Zero-day vulnerabilities, threat sharing, network monitoring, blockchain, forensic evidence, device tampering, DDoS attacks, detection and mitigation, reputation systems, data protection and privacy.

Statistical & Signature based detection

Real time DDOS and RoQ attack detection Deep packet inspection Protocol analysis Anomaly detection

IoT Device Tampering Detection & Remediation

Autonomous health monitoring of IoT devices Tampering attempts Abnormal payload and traffic

Cyber-threat Intelligence Gathering & Sharing System

Novel approach: Deep and machine learning techniques Game-theoretic framework to provide recommendations for IoT service providers based on the information regarding vulnerabilities Game-theory and machine learning to create patterns and predict the evolution of malwares and botnets Intelligence gathering from: Clearnet Deep and dark web Intelligence sharing to: Organisations SOC teams Security experts LEAs CERTs

Cyber-Trust Blockchain

Provide trusted transaction processing and coordination between IoT devices Ensure security: Identity Data Communication Safeguarding critical files and software binaries Minimize the damage caused by tampered devices and malware as well as single points of failure Collection and storing of forensic evidence

IoT device Profiling

Develop a privacy-preserving IoT device (vulnerability) profiling framework, so that any communications with high risk devices are subject to more thorough analysis.

Self-adaptive Virtual 3D environment

The flat representation (on the screen) may provide synthetic information about the status of the IoT network that can be used for the monitoring phase. It will use BODY OCULUS (or similar viewers) and body movement(e.g. hand gestures) to navigate and inspect the network. Through the VR mode it will be possible to cover more network area per analyst and see more in less time; it will also allow to see panels of related information surrounding the operator in a…

Threat sharing methods: comparative analysis

Organizations worldwide, from governments to public and corporate enterprises, are under constant threat by evolving cyber-attacks. The fact that there are literally billions of IoT devices globally, most of which are readily accessible and easily hacked, allows threat actors to use them as the cyber-weapon delivery system of choice in many today’s cyber-attacks, e.g., from botnet-building for launching distributed denial of service attacks, to malware spreading and spamming. The sooner an organization knows about emerging threats, the more efficiently cyber-defense…

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Our partners CGI hosting FRONTEX at CGI SPARK innovation center

Hosting FRONTEX at CGI SPARK innovation centre – security and safety solutions and services presented. Among others, on the 25th of May 2018 Cyber-TRUST was presented.  In this workshop, Gohar Sargsyan on behalf of project consortium presented the Cyber-Trust project among other security and safety projects where CGI participates in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 

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Are cracked applications really free? An empirical analysis on Android devices paper presentation

Our partners from UOP on the 12th of Aug, participated with a presentation at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2018) that was held in Athens, Greece, with the paper entitled “Are cracked applications really free? An empirical analysis on Android devices,” Participation in 16th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2018) that that was held in Athens, Greece, for presenting the paper entitled ” Are cracked applications really free?…

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Paper presentation at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2018)

Our partners from CSCAN and UOP, participated with a presentation at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2018) that was held in Athens, Greece, with the paper entitled ” A Novel Blockchain–based Trust Model for Cloud Identity Management,” The presentation received many questions regarding the proposed approach. Also, participants demonstrated great interest for the trust management and Blockchain. Cyber-Trust was also presented as this work is a part of the project.

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Technical presentation of the cyber-trust project at Telecom Italia

Our partners from MATHEMA participated in a meeting of the TLab of Telecom Italia. There was a technical presentation of the cyber-trust project at Telecom Italia – TLab (Torino), in Italia. A meeting was held at the TLab of Telecom Italia, to present the project and to explore next opportunities of collaboration for application of Cyber Trust solutions mainly in IoT domain.

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Participation in EuCNC 2018: “European Conference on Networks and Communications for presenting an innovative cyber-security platform for IoT”

EuCNC 2018 is the 27th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications, sponsored by the European Commission. The conference focuses on various aspects of 5G communications systems and networks, including cloud and virtualisation solutions, management technologies, and vertical application areas. Our partners from KEMEA participated in the conference. Cyber-Trust: An innovative cybersecurity platform for IoT was presented at EuCNC 2018: European Conference on Networks and Communications.The audience was very keen in making questions with regards to…

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Participation in the Expose-DefenseWorld conference for presenting the paper entitled ” Defending against cyber attacks”

Our partners from KEMEA participated in the Expose-DefenseWorld conference that took place at the Hellenic Armed Forces Officers’ Club (LAED) on May 15, 2018, in Athens, in partnership with The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce.” The presentation received many questions and Cyber-Trust was also presented as this research work is part of WP6.

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Technical presentation in the context of an Erasmus+ visit titled ”Democratising social interactions: the case of distributed social networks”.

Our partners from UOP participated in 25th of May 2018 at the technical presentation in the context of an Erasmus+ visit titled ”Democratising social interactions: the case of distributed social networks”. The presentation took place at Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic and targeted postgraduate (MSc and PhD) students and faculty members, and is directly related with the work carried out in work-package WP5. The presentation involved an overview of technical issues and related solutions pertaining a wide range…

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    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786698. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Therefore, any communication activity related to the action reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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