The following list includes all Cyber-Trust public deliverables along with their corresponding month of release.
Del. | Deliverable Name | Download |
D2.1 | Threat landscape: trends and methods | D2.1 |
D2.2 | Threat sharing methods: comparative analysis | D2.2 |
D2.3 | Cyber-Trust use case scenarios | D2.3 |
D2.4 | Cyber-Trust end-user requirements | D2.4 |
D2.5 | Threat actors’ attack strategies | D2.5 |
D3.1 | Regulatory framework analysis | D3.1 |
D3.2 | Legal analysis of the use of evidence material | D3.2 |
D3.3 | Legal and ethical recommendations | D3.3 |
D5.1 | State-of-the-art on proactive technologies | D5.1 |
D5.2 | Cyber-threat intelligence sharing | D5.2 |
D5.3 | CYBER-TRUST proactive technology tools | D5.3 |
D5.4 | Trust management service: security and privacy | D5.4 |
D6.1 | State-of-the-art on profiling, detection and mitigation | D6.1 |
D6.2 | CYBER-TRUST Device Tools | D6.2 |
D6.3 | CYBER-TRUST Network Tools | D6.3 |
D6.4 | CYBER-TRUST Visualization tools | D6.4 |
D6.5 | Privacy-preserving profiling security and privacy | D6.5 |
D7.1 | Distributed ledger state-of-the-art report | D7.1 |
D7.2 | Cyber-Trust distributed ledger architecture | D7.2 |
D7.3 | Cyber-Trust authority and publishing management | D7.3 |
D7.4 | CYBER-TRUST blockchain security analysis (I) | D7.4 |
D7.5 | CYBER-TRUST information and evidence storage | D7.5 |
D9.1 | CYBER-TRUST project website | D9.1 |
D9.2 | Dissemination and use Plan | D9.2 |
D9.3 | Dissemination activities report (1st Report) | D9.3 |
D9.4 | Dissemination activities report (2nd Report) | D9.4 |
D9.5 | Disseminations activities report (3rd report) | D9.5 |
D9.6 | Disseminations activities report (4th report) | D9.6 |