Project Deliverables

The following list includes all Cyber-Trust public deliverables along with their corresponding month of release.

Del.Deliverable NameDownload
D2.1Threat landscape: trends and methodsD2.1
D2.2Threat sharing methods: comparative analysisD2.2
D2.3Cyber-Trust use case scenariosD2.3
D2.4Cyber-Trust end-user requirementsD2.4
D2.5Threat actors’ attack strategiesD2.5
D3.1Regulatory framework analysisD3.1
D3.2Legal analysis of the use of evidence materialD3.2
D3.3Legal and ethical recommendationsD3.3
D5.1State-of-the-art on proactive technologiesD5.1
D5.2Cyber-threat intelligence sharingD5.2
D5.3CYBER-TRUST proactive technology toolsD5.3
D5.4Trust management service: security and privacyD5.4
D6.1State-of-the-art on profiling, detection and mitigationD6.1
D6.2CYBER-TRUST Device ToolsD6.2
D6.3CYBER-TRUST Network ToolsD6.3
D6.4CYBER-TRUST Visualization toolsD6.4
D6.5Privacy-preserving profiling security and privacyD6.5
D7.1Distributed ledger state-of-the-art reportD7.1
D7.2Cyber-Trust distributed ledger architectureD7.2
D7.3Cyber-Trust authority and publishing managementD7.3
D7.4CYBER-TRUST blockchain security analysis (I)D7.4
D7.5CYBER-TRUST information and evidence storageD7.5
D9.1CYBER-TRUST project websiteD9.1
D9.2Dissemination and use PlanD9.2
D9.3Dissemination activities report (1st Report)D9.3
D9.4Dissemination activities report (2nd Report)D9.4
D9.5Disseminations activities report (3rd report)D9.5
D9.6Disseminations activities report (4th report)D9.6

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786698. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Therefore, any communication activity related to the action reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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